Featured Products
We're thriving and building better, stronger products
Baron Power develops and manufactures power quality products and energy management systems from 1995.
For the past 25+ years, Baron Power means quality and reliability. The customers have trusted Baron Power.

Frako Capacitors
FRAKO power factor control relays help in solving complex problems ranging far beyond the pure control of reactive power to a set target cos phi.

APFC systems are used to discharge unnecessarily overloaded supply systems through inductive reactive power and save consumption costs…

APFC Panels
Electrical loads like motors can cause electrical systems to be inductive, resulting in wastage of energy.The simple solution to maintain the power factor….

Harmonic Filters
In all types of electrical power networks, system perturbation occur when operating electrical loads. Baron’s harmonic filters help..
Welcome To Baron
BARON POWER LTD, develops & manufactures power quality products & energy management systems.
Established in 1995, the company is promoted by qualified and experienced experts to offer products & services that meet the exact customers needs. Professional management with thrust on customer satisfaction enable the company to continuously specialize and innovate in selected areas of Power Quality Products & Systems.
Focusing on customers’ needs has distinguished Baron Power Ltd., to offer products and solutions of state-of-the-art technologies. Excellent after sales service and track record of consistent performance levels put Baron as a leader in their line of Activities.
Baron Power Ltd has numerous installations belonging to the prestigious quality conscious clients. Quality and Innovation has been Baron’s key to success.